Ski Utah Snow Report
Re-design the snow report's user interface utilizing design process and UX/UI best practices.
Ski Utah Snow Report
Re-design the snow report's user interface utilizing design process and UX/UI best practices.
Ski Utah Snow Report
Re-design the snow report's user interface utilizing design process and UX/UI best practices.
Ski Utah Snow Report
A case-study: re-design the Ski Utah snow report's user interface utilizing design process and UX/UI best practices.
Introduction and Overview
The Ski Utah Snow Report is a valuable public service. It provides an accurate, all-in-one snow reporting resource combining all of Utah’s 15 mountain resort’s snow stats as well as weather forecasts, road and traffic conditions, parking information as well as trail maps and historical weather and snowfall data.
Users of the snow report are better able to make key decisions on when and where to go skiing/snowboarding as well as make decisions on how best to dress for conditions on the mountain.
Through user research and design process, a better picture can be drawn as to what users want and need from the snow report and how to present that data in a manner that helps users achieve their goals.
Project Design Process
01. Define
Clearly identify the
core problem
02. Research
Study target users and
collect data
03. Analyze
Analyze the data and how it pertains to the problem
04. Ideate
05. Protoype
Based on analysis,
brainstorm solutions
Present a solution in the
form of a prototype
Problem Statement
Winter recreationalists encounter a variety of challenges when making plans to ski or snowboard in Utah's mountain terrain, such as, traffic congestion, road conditions, weather, snow quality and parking availability.
How might we provide skiers and snowboarders with timely and accurate snow reporting data that is easy to access and engages users in unique and meaningful ways?
Research + Analysis
Three research methods were utilized to collect data, empathize and gain insights into snow report users needs. "We conducted quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interviews) research to gather more comprehensive information.
1. User Interviews
We conducted five user interviews
All our participants were ski enthusiasts and widely used the Ski Utah snow report
They ranged from 35–70 years of age,
Varied income brackets
Ski many times per season
Consider themselves as advanced or expert skiers
User Persona
"I don’t always go to the resort that received the most snow, because, sometimes it ends up being too busy there."
"I’m concerned with how the weather is going to affect road conditions."
"I would definitely check the morning before heading up to the mountain for last minute decisions on what to wear."
"I really love an infographic style snow report that feels like a dashboard."
Some quotes from our interviews
02. User Survey
In order to get a better understanding of what snow report metrics were most important, we conducted a survey asking skiers and snowboarders (45 responses) to rank each metric on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most important.
Mention key finding of top metrics
We conducted six card sorting test
03. Card Sorting
We conducted six card sorting test.
All our participants were ski enthusiasts and widely used the Ski Utah snow report.
They ranged from 35–70 years of age,
Varied income brackets
Ski many times per season
Consider themselves as advanced or expert skiers.
Three research methods were utilized to collect data, empathize and gain insights into snow report users needs.
01. User Interviews 02. Card Sorting 03. User Survey